CIDOC-CRM provides an ontology-based description for the documentation of cultural heritage. Originally meant to support the documentation practice of cultural heritage institutions and to enable inter-institutional exchange, it defines a formal structure for the description of implicit
and explicit relations between entities.In order to demonstrate the benefits of the model in a semantic web environment like "Semantic MediaWiki", the paper shows two practical examples. Both originate in the digital domain and are complex due to their nature: As an example of a completely
synthetically generated HD-Video, "Sintel" (2010) by Colin Levy is gathered. Facing distributed internet-based art and culture, Olia Lialinas "Summer" (2013) is described. The examples demonstrate in what extent the semantic structure of the digital extension of CIDOC CRM, which is CRM
Juergen Enge, Tabea Lurk, "Classification and indexing of complex digital objects with CIDOC CRM" in Proc. IS&T Archiving 2014, 2014, pp 58 - 62,