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Volume: 11 | Article ID: art00002
DCP/A: Discussion of an Archival Digital Cinema Package for AV-Media
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2014.11.1.art00002  Published OnlineJune 2014

In this presentation we will discuss the motivation for a digital archival master format for motion pictures as well as some technical key questions along the road towards a possible standardization. Due to the large volume of uncompressed high-resolution motion picture data, we will discuss the quality, advantages and drawbacks of data compression algorithms. In addition we focus on issues like the ability of data formats to encapsulate preservation information metadata and the long-term stability of format definitions.In the analog era of motion pictures normally an analog "projection copy" was handed over for archival purposes. Until recently, the Digital Cinema Package (DCP)[1] has been the digital copy used for projection. With the disappearance of analog film copies and the prevalence of countless digital media dissemination platforms we discuss whether the dissemination format, formerly known as Digital Cinema Package DCP, is appropriate to be used as archival information package (AIP). Further on we will discuss which features are needed to define an ideal data-format like "DCP/A" (in analogy to PDF/A).

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Peter Fornaro, David Gubler, "DCP/A: Discussion of an Archival Digital Cinema Package for AV-Mediain Proc. IS&T Archiving 2014,  2014,  pp 5 - 8,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2014
Archiving Conference
Society for Imaging Science and Technology