The issues of preservation and curation of architectural records have been further exacerbated by the technological advancements of architects' tools, namely Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) and Building-Information Modeling (BIM) software programs. The mammoth size of the issue of saving CAD/BIM files requires a multi-step plan that effectively, but gradually, addresses the layers of complications this effort will unfurl. The first step is to create an inclusive bibliography of past, current and scheduled future projects that address the legal, technical and curatorial complexities of CAD/BIM files. Recognizing the complexity and wide-reaching nature of born-digital architectural records, the Society of American Archivists (SAA) Architectural Records Roundtable created a CAD/BIM Taskforce in August 2012, at the SAA's Annual Conference. This paper will discuss the motivation and formation of the creation of the CAD/BIM Taskforce, report on the preparation of the bibliography of CAD/BIM file projects and research, and make note of the Taskforce's future activities and goals.
Aliza Allen Leventhal, "Collaborative Preservation Efforts of CAD/BIM Files" in Proc. IS&T Archiving 2013, 2013, pp 251 - 254,