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Volume: 10 | Article ID: art00035
Using a Single Archive Audio File Format for Archive, Discovery and Display
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2013.10.1.art00035  Published OnlineJanuary 2013

In 2012, the ResCarta Foundation met with staff at the Library of Congress and had conversations with George Blood Audio of Philadelphia concerning the adoption of an audio file format for long term preservation, discovery and display. There was consensus that using the existing Broadcast wave file format with metadata embedded into the axml chunk would be a starting point. The ResCarta Foundation has released a version of the ResCarta Toolkit which can create Broadcast wave files with embedded METS formatted metadata in the axml chunk and uses marker chunks to provide full transcription with time offsets.This file format will allow a single digital file to carry the associated technical, administrative and descriptive metadata and allows for full text search within transcriptions. The use of such a file format in oral history projects will allow for finer granularity in the use of archived digital audio files.The ResCarta software is utilized around the world for textual and pictorial digital objects. With the addition of audio reformatting, it can create raw transcriptions of audio files and has a full, built-in audio transcription editor. The associated web application allows for full text search within transcriptions as it does for textual digital objects. It displays the location of each searched term within a graphical audio waveform.

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John Sarnowski, "Using a Single Archive Audio File Format for Archive, Discovery and Displayin Proc. IS&T Archiving 2013,  2013,  pp 157 - 160,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2013
Archiving Conference
Society of Imaging Science and Technology
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