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Volume: 1 | Article ID: art00048
Conservation of National Defence Digital Images: The Working Digital Collection: Preserving for the Future
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2004.1.1.art00048  Published OnlineJanuary 2004

The National Defence Imagery Library (NDIL) has a collection of over one million images dating from WWI to the present. The role of NDIL is to safe keep and provides images in an operational role for the Canadian Military and Government. Our library handles motion pictures on film and video (conventional and digital) as well as still images (acetate based negatives and positives, digital). For the purpose of this paper we will be mostly talking about still images. The most common format of our collection is 4×5 inches Black and White negatives but we also have glass plates, 8×10inches, 120mm and 35mm acetate negatives and positives. In 1997 we started to digitize the most popular images of our collection and we have, at the moment, 120,000 images digitized. We are conserving also over 1000 original drawings of Canadian Forces Heraldic Badges signed by King George, Queen Elizabeth 2 and other dignitaries.

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Serge Tremblay, Serge Peters, Michel Roy, "Conservation of National Defence Digital Images: The Working Digital Collection: Preserving for the Futurein Proc. IS&T Archiving 2004,  2004,  pp 227 - 230,

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