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Volume: 1 | Article ID: art00010
The Light Fading of Dye Based Inkjet Images – A Multidimensional Issue
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2004.1.1.art00010  Published OnlineJanuary 2004

The fading of inkjet imagery has been the subject of many studies. This study explores the multidimensional nature of this issue using a single dye based inkjet ink set.The aim is to show which variables are important to consider in the restoration of dye based inkjet images. As such images make their way into museum collections the variables influencing the fading process become important when preserving the cultural heritage. This study also identifies where inkjet media and ink technology is not yet up to the task and illustrate the archival properties, colour science and image physics of such imagery.The influence of media type, printed colour and ink load are the primary variables explored. The correlation of the fading characteristics with ink coverage and penetration are also included.The effect of light fading on image noise is also considered and a comparison of the characteristics of light and gas fading is made.Whilst this study focuses on one ink set as an example a diverse set of media has been examined in order to illustrate the wide range of results that can be achieved. This illustrates the importance of the characteristics of the inkjet media in both the fading characteristics and any restoration process envisaged. An equivalent study with a different ink set would clearly give different results.

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Alan Hodgson, Amanda M. Jackson, "The Light Fading of Dye Based Inkjet Images – A Multidimensional Issuein Proc. IS&T Archiving 2004,  2004,  pp 43 - 48,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2004
Archiving Conference
Society of Imaging Science and Technology
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