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Volume: 1 | Article ID: art00007
Minds of Carolina
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2004.1.1.art00007  Published OnlineJanuary 2004

While all university faculty have substantial and growing bodies of work in the published scholarly, research, and pedagogical literatures, this constitutes but a small portion of useful material they generate throughout their careers. Much valuable content remains unpublished in personal collections. Due to small staffs, lack of space, and chronic under-funding, personal and scholarly papers of only the most notable faculty will be preserved in University Archives and manuscript collections. Minds of Carolina is a search for means to provide access to the extensive and rich unpublished contributions of faculty and preserve this material for the foreseeable future. It is an exploration to produce a feasible way to capture the works that would otherwise die on individuals' digital desktops, in filing cabinets, or on rapidly aging media.The Minds of Carolina project seeks, through a variety of research methodologies, to explore the nature of these intellectual assets and develop tools, methods, and guidance to assist faculty (and potentially a much wider audience) in identifying materials of enduring and widespread value within their personal, unpublished collections; describing and contextualizing these materials to optimize their retrieval and use; and depositing them in a durable digital archive based on long-standing archival principles and practices.

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Helen R. Tibbo, Paul Jones, "Minds of Carolinain Proc. IS&T Archiving 2004,  2004,  pp 26 - 31,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2004
Archiving Conference
Society of Imaging Science and Technology
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